Network Development Plans 2025

From Scenario Framework to confirmed demand

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Unlike in the previous three years, for the Network Development Plans 2025, the four transmission system operators were asked to calculate six scenarios instead of four, comprising four scenarios using a ten year time frame and two scenarios projected to 2035. At the same time, the Renewable Energy Act, which had been amended in August 2014 was fully incorporated into the network calculations as a fundamental change to the basic framework conditions.


The TSOs presented the first drafts of the NDP and the O-NDP for public consultation on 30 October 2015; the second drafts were published at the end of February 2016.

On 8 June 2016, the German federal government reached an agreement on a draft law to amend the German Renewable Energy; this was passed by the upper and lower houses of the federal parliament on 8 July. In this context, as a result of the significant changes made to the parameters concerning energy policy, German legislative authorities decided not to proceed with the process of producing the Network Development Plan Electricity 2025. The second draft of the Network Development Plan 2025 was thus neither presented for public consultation nor was it approved by the German Federal Network Agency. In contrast, the second draft of the Offshore Network Development Plan (O-NDP) 2025 was presented for public consultation between 14 June and 9 August 2016 along with the Federal Network Agency’s environmental report. The Federal Network Agency approved the O-NDP 2025 on 25 November 2016.

From the O-NDP 2030 (2017) onwards, the Offshore Network Development Plan is to be replaced by the Offshore Site Development Plan, which will be produced by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.

You can find German documents about the NDP and O-NDP 2025 below; individual documents are also available in English. The Network Development Plan Electricity and the Offshore Network Development Plan 2025 are only available in German. For more detailed information, please see the German website.

    More about BNetzA confirmation (in German)

    Learn more about the confirmation of the Network Development Plan on the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) website.

    Confirmation of O-NDP 2025 (in German)

    Your transmission system operators